Rethink, Reinvent #1

Your work and life compass is under constant review. Unexpected changes in your professional and personal life can lead you in a different direction to what you had envisaged. Reflecting on your life plans might prompt a RETHINK of what really matters to you. Some of those changes may be minor - others more significant, requiring you to completely transform and reinvent areas such as your professional identity or possibly your existing model of business.

This RETHINK process might prompt you to dig deep to ensure you remain true to your values; that which drives you or perhaps a reconnection to what lights you up.  

The Reinventure RETHINK newsletter is aimed at helping you to continue moving forward in your professional life and in your business journey.  Reinventure Australia values the power of professional storytelling due to the learning and connection it can generate.  We will share stories from other professionals, ponder the latest research, examine emerging trends, and we will review books written for people like yourself.  

Information Overload can be a “Thing”!

Quite often, when I talk to clients, and even for myself, it can feel as though there is so much information to absorb.  Resources available to us now are in greater abundance and with an increased accessibility than ever before - whether in the form of a podcast, video series, online course, social media content, another book, or a whitepaper.  New methodologies and innovations are rolling over us at a rate that makes it hard just to keep up.  How do we distil all of this?  How can we integrate different, innovative methods into our work, our business and our professional life?

This newsletter is designed to selectively draw on some of this information, make it digestible and simplify some of the concepts and content available.  Enjoy... as you RETHINK to reinvent.

What hasn’t changed during this tumultuous time of “disruption on steroids”. 

Since March 2020 we have all been exposed to life-altering circumstances.   For many it feels like what I choose to call a “disruption on steroids”. This applies equally to those who describe themselves as home bodies and have thrived working from home and for whom these upheavals might not have had the severe impacts endured by others outside that scope.

The ubiquitous use of digital technology has clearly demonstrated its worth during this time.  Tech tools are now unequivocally at the forefront of innovative ways of supercharging business practice, especially in instances in which face to face contact has not been possible.  The innate need for human connection though is certainly something that hasn’t changed for the majority.  

At times I have been conscious of the potential risk of being overwrought by the speed with which digital disruption has enveloped us. Is our business sufficiently braced to withstand the impact, but flexible enough to seize the many new opportunities arising out of the tumult? Several times, I’ve felt hammered by the volume of information, webinars, news articles and dialogue in a range of forums. It has led to a feeling of information exhaustion that I’m sure is shared by many in our position. Conversely, I have also been amazed by the relationships steeped in deep connections and bonds formed by online interactions, particularly in my role as an online facilitator for interactive Masterclasses and as a sessional university lecturer.  

So, it is with a note of optimism that we present to you this newsletter aimed at providing you with a short, yet insightful, take on many of the issues we all face.


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