Dr. Darren Oemcke

Darren Oemcke has had an interesting business life, that has included knocking around in Australia’s isolated Northern Territory to working with wine businesses around the world and as a research executive for the world’s largest water company.

He is a partner in Hydra Consulting where he works with businesses from very large to very small, advising on all aspects of business development, marketing and as a ‘shadow CEO’ for start-ups. He is also a member of SA BioAngels, Chair of Surfing South Australia and mentors early-stage companies and start-ups and provides pitch and public speaking coaching. He is also establishing a well-being portal targeted at the wine sector.

Darren’s subjects are
Darren is an engaging speaker and interactive trainer with interest in:

  • Making life transitions
  • Models of thinking and decision-making
  • Creating customer engagement
  • The changing nature of education and experiential learning
  • The changing nature of work

Some recent speaking engagements

Big Data for Small Business
Assessment of engagement from Yellow Tails Super Bowl Ads, Big data at the Melbourne Fashion shoe and tracking customer behavior.

About Getting It Right
Adaptive decision-making. Rethinking right & wrong; good & bad; choices; and exploration.

The Walls are Tumbling Down: The changing Barriers to Doing Business
How traditional business moats are collapsing in the face of always on-line customers and how to get customers to love them as the most significant business barrier.

Hearing Customer Voices: Business and Students Learning together
We can do better and are doing better in training students for work via learner-directed and engaging learningn experiences. Outline of experience in developing joint business and student learning models in business training.

Experiential Learning In STEM
How phones, micro sensors and augmented reality are transforming how we can convert STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) teaching to STEM learning, creating deep learning and deep engagement. 

Independence and the Future of Consulting
How internet markets, automation and freelancing are re-wiring professional services

Rethinking supply chains
The changing models of supply chain relationships and how digital models are re-working everything (not just music and newspapers).

The Art of Imagineering
Being creative and embedding a culture of creativity.

Customer Driven Business Planning
The changing customer relationships and how we need to transform our business to win the war for affection.

Storytelling for consultants


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