3 Mentoring
3 Mentoring

Mentoring and Coaching

Why a mentor or a coach

A mentoring relationship with Reinventure will address many areas of your life with the focus being on your professional and work related abilities over a period of time.

Our client base is varied as is our team of mentors. For example, a number of executives will use a mentor to discuss a range of issues that they are encountering over the course of a number of years and a small business owner may need support and draw on knowledge in regards to strategies to grow their business in international markets.

Executive Mentoring and general mentoring programs typically involve between 10 and 12 x 90-minute sessions conducted over 9 – 10 months.

  • support in developing strategies to succeed with a particular challenge
  • enhance general leadership skills
  • strengthen an established career in need of revitalisation

A coaching relationship with Reinventure is about achieving a particular result or overcoming a
certain challenge, generally in the short to medium term. For example, giving a powerful
presentation, submitting a tender to win a contract or developing a strategic plan.

Executive coaching and general coaching programs typically involve between 5 and 10 x 60-minute sessions conducted over the timeframe of the challenge at hand.

In some cases, the arrangement can cross over into both territories, which is fine if this is agreed upon by both parties. The following principles are relevant for both mentoring and coaching:

  • Seeking an honest sounding board with whom you can share ideas and thoughts that may be difficult to express elsewhere;
  • Confidential and safe platform to express and think through aspirations and how to overcome any limitations without any judgment
  • Looking for an intelligent, experienced and challenging thinking partner.
  • Can be conducted face to face or via telephone, Skype, Zoom, Google Meet or similar technology.


"Getting a Mentor is the Shortcut to Success" – Bo Sanchez

Free 30-minute session

This complimentary session is an opportunity for you to understand how a Mentor or a Coach would be beneficial for you. It will also assist Reinventure Australia to identify the best fit for Mentoring and Coaching services to suit your personal situation.

Contact Sue at reinventuresue@gmail.com to schedule your free 30-minute connect session.

Read our return and refund policy here.


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